What can Cedar Peak do for you?
Comprehensive Financial Planning
Good financial planning is a process. It takes longer and is more comprehensive than most people expect going in.
First, we discuss your goals, your vision, your priorities, and what resources you have to get you there. We will look at where you stand now, where you are headed, and how that is different from where you want to go. Doctors don't prescribe until they’ve diagnosed.
Second, we collect all your financial data. We use world-class software tools to collect all of your data in one place and analyze it for you. Investment accounts, insurance policies, estate plans - you name it, we'll look at it. This will help us know where you are now and project where your current path will lead you.
Next, we will create your bespoke financial plan. There’s nothing one-size-fits-all here. Your plan is based on your income, your expenses, your family, and your dreams. We will present our recommendations and discuss the ‘need to dos’ vs. the ‘nice to dos.’
After that, we will implement the plan. This requires a team effort. You’re busy, so we will design a timeline that fits your lifestyle. This can take 3-12 months based on how much work there is to do and how busy you are. We will do as much as we can, but there are some things that we’re not allowed to do for you.
After the plan is implemented, we monitor and adjust. Having another kid? Buying a vacation home? Quitting your job and becoming a competitive quilter? We’ll change that financial plan. The benefit of working with the same planner over many years is that we can make those adjustments quickly and work through the ramifications very easily.
Investment Management
We do our investment research ourselves. If you wonder why we own a specific fund or why we own so much of a particular asset class, we don't have to ask someone else. We know. That makes it easier for us to customize your portfolio.
Your portfolio will reflect your goals, your values, and your risk tolerance. We can customize it as your situation and market conditions change. We run globally diversified portfolios that we expect to perform well in the long run. We design these portfolios for you and then manage them through changing market conditions.
Individual stock portfolios
We have a lot of experience picking stocks. Individual stocks find their way into client portfolios where appropriate. Because we do our own research, we can answer any questions you have as to why we own a specific stock.
We've also seen how much easier it is to relate to specific companies rather than abstract funds or ETFs. This will help you connect more with your investments and, in unique instances, help you appreciate the world around you in a different way.
Where it is appropriate, we manage concentrated stock portfolios of small, microcap, and special situations for clients. Contact us for details.